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Professional Home Builders Institute


The economic descent of Alberta in the mid-1980s caused major disruptions to the provincial home building industry. Surveys were conducted to discover what had caused the greatest problems for the industry. It was learned that while the Alberta homebuilders could build excellent homes, their business, financial and management skills were not well developed. In response, The Professional Home Builders Institute of Alberta (PHBIA) was registered in 1987 by a surviving group of concerned Calgary homebuilders and The Alberta New Home Warranty Program (ANHWP). Initial funding was received from Alberta Consumer Affairs and the ANHWP.

PHBIA first offered the Master Home Builder Certification Program in 1987. The aim remains to improve business management, financial knowledge, and construction theory and leadership skills. The first participants graduated in 1991. Three other certifications were added between 1991 and 1993. In 1997 PHBIA was purchased from the CHBA- Alberta by the ANHWP. It remains the not-for-profit educational arm of the Alberta home building industry. Significantly, the majority of the more successful and long standing homebuilders are PHBIA graduates or have PHBIA graduates working with them. At the Sales and Marketing Awards presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Home Builders Association - Alberta in Jasper in September 2006, over 70 percent of the finalists and 80 percent of the award winners had attended PHBIA courses.


Home buyers and home builders insist that certified education and training in the home building industry is a key indicator of the home builder’s credibility.


To provide structure and organization for certified education and training for the success of individuals and companies in the home building industry.


“Building the foundation for leadership in the home building business.” (On the PHBIA logo you will see Magistri Aedificos (Leader in Building))