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“The communication was perfect, we had our questions answered in a timely manner.”

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Canadian Home builders Association - Edmonton Region

Established in 1954, The Canadian Home Builders' Association - Edmonton Region (CHBA - ER) is a not-for-profit organization representing more than 450 member companies, including:

  • Builders
  • Renovators
  • Land Developers
  • Trades
  • Manufacturers
  • Suppliers
  • Financial Institutions
  • And a host of allied professionals

Our Mission

To shape the future of the homebuilding industry in the Capital Region.

Our Vision

To bring the housing industry together.

Our Philosophy

We help make our members successful.

What We Do

Government Relations

Recognizing that governments at all levels have an enormous impact on the housing industry, the CHBA - Edmonton Region has made government relations a top priority. It is our goal to ensure that governments are fully informed of the impact their decisions have on housing costs, and to ease any negative effects through strategic lobbying and relationship building.


CHBA-Edmonton Region members have access to a wealth of industry knowledge through monthly dinner and breakfast meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, technical publications, industry position papers, monthly building permit reports, economic forums, networking opportunities, and so much more.

We promote worksite safety and encourage all members to participate in industry education and training programs, such as COR, SECOR, the MasterBUILDER program and more.

Programs & Services

Each member is encouraged to contribute energy and ideas to help to shape the future of the home building industry. CHBA-Edmonton Region offers dozens of committees and working groups designed to enhance members’ participation in, and understanding of, the homebuilding industry.


Through communications with local media, a dedicated public relations committee and increased participation with local decision makers, the CHBA-Edmonton Region Is improving the public perception of the homebuilding industry. CHBA-Edmonton Region members are recognized as qualified building experts whose exemplary standards set the bar for homebuilding excellence across the Capital Region.


CHBA-Edmonton Region members are experts in the field of new home construction and renovations. Through the Association’s various networking events, members have an opportunity to interact, exchange knowledge and experiences, and develop lasting, quality business relationships.